92 Posts
10 years ago


Calculation rules doesn't work with condition for me,

I have 7 fields :

A with value = 0 or 1

B with value = 0 or 1 -> field with condition "is filled by 1 when C = 0"

C with value = 0 or 1 -> field with condition "is filled by 1 when B = 0"

D with value = 10

E with value = A x B x D

F with value = A x C x D

G with value = E + F

When i select 0 or 1 for B or C the condition work correctly but the calculation rules doesn't work. Without condition calculation rules work.

Thank you for your help

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10 years ago
Level 1

Seb, you have a recursion because of fields B and C pointing to each other.
Could that be the reason?

92 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your reply Viktor,

I don't think because the condition work and value applied but only calculation rules doesn't work. 

But I bypassed the problem.


10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Seb,

I have two questions before i can give you an advise: 

  1. What is the value of B when C = 1?
  2. What is the value of C when B = 1?


92 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi,

B and C have a same default value = 0

1 When B=1 C=1 or 0

2 When C=1 B=1 or 0

Thank you Mehdi for your reply.


175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I have tried a form you described, and can confirm the values are not "propagated" Excel style. That is with Trigger Event: Change for E, F, G.

However, when I used Rule: Global, Trigger Event: Keyup it worked like charm (by using Tab key to switch field focus).

This is probably because trigger event Change to recalculate field values was not fired after the B/C change (is Filled). Only if I changed A or D the event fires.

P.S. It is fired, but before the values are filled, so that means both B and C are 0.

By the way, according to the brief instructions, if you fill a field with value, you are supposed to use is Filled, and when filling the value of another field you use is Filled By

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