14 Posts
11 years ago
Hi to all. I have an sql query that creates a concateneted value from two custom field. Query works fine - tested it. My problem is that though concatenation is ok, the result does not get stored. (i varchar 255 column..)
I even bought the SD Concat field, still the same error. Nothing gets stored.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.
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14 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
I didn't get any sleep for 48 hours now and hope someone helps me with the above. No matter how I create the concatenated value (I even created a new view) the result does not get stored to any type of storage. Anyone?
11 years ago
Level 2
Hi vtikas,

hope you were able to get some rest i the meantime. After 48 hours without sleep concentration goes down.

When you set up the new field with SD Concat, what storage options did you use?

This is important info so we can try and help.
14 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3
Thanks for your reply, finally solved it (and went to sleep immediately!). As far as I can undersatnd the problem was the || I was trying to put between the two fields. As soon as I changed it to _ it worked ok. (The storage type I use is Standard Joomla article (on a new column) -> varchar 255). Cheers.
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