20 Posts
10 months ago

Hello, we have found that SEBLOD Fields link to extension does not work with joomla 4.4.3 and seblod 4.3.1. 

Being a plugin that we paid for, we would like to understand when it will be updated so that it works.

This is the error that comes out every time you try to open a form or list that contains fields in which SEBLOD Fields is applied. For our portals we cannot disable SEBLOD Fields. We have to use it. 

Thank you, we look forward to your kind reply

Class 'JEventDispatcher' not found

 99 									'live'=>$condition_live,
100 									'live_options'=>$condition_values,
101 								);
102 			$value			=	'';
104 			JEventDispatcher::getInstance()->trigger( 'onCCK_Field_LivePrepareForm', array( &$field, &$value, &$config ) );
106 			$condition_values	=	$value;
107 		} elseif ( $condition_values != '' ) {
108 			if ( $condition_values[0] == '{' && $condition_values[($length - 1)] == '}' ) {
109 				if ( $do ) {

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