Hi, I think I am facing a serious dynamic cascade bug but I don't understand why..
Let's take the usual scenario with countries/cities to be associasted to users and put 2 cities with same name "CitySame" in different countries (of course) like CountryA and CountryB where CountryA's cities are before CountryB's ones in the DB table of country-city association.
Everything works fine when creating a new association, you select CountryB from first stage and in the second stage only cities in countryB are selected. Choose CitySame and save. Saved values are correct.
Then edit this association: you get CountryB in the first list and... CitySame in the second as one entry of list of cities of countryA! Infact if the second field displays a translated name [lang] instead of the value, you will clearly see that it is showing elements from CountryA and not from CountryB (also the displayed CitySame is the wrong one).
If you select a city that does not have a duplicate in another country, everything works fine.
It's just as the cascade field is not using correctly the parentId while editing and showing...
Can anyone confirm? For me it's a serious issue since of course in reality there are cities with same name.