Email field does not send the field values form Stage 1 19 Postsgreenmar 11 years ago2TopicI edit Message in Email field settings as [fields] I have two fields on Stage 1, and some fields on Stage Final field send all values of fields on Stage Final, but does not send the field values of Stage 1. What do I need to value one Stage 1 too went to the email? Incidentally, values Simple Select field also not send. Thanks 327 PostsOctopoos - Sabaadministrator 11 years ago1Level 1Hi greenmar,You can create an alias of your field (using the same storage). Assign it (as hidden) on the 2nd stage.Regards,Saba. 19 Postsgreenmar 11 years ago0Level 2I tried, but fails. Values from Stage 1 are not passed to the Final Stage. Moreover, they are stored in the database correctly.