251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago

Seblod's Icon Field Extended 


Github source: 

Demo and Tutorial :

Watch video on Youtube.com

This override is helpful if you want to use Icon Field in Front End and need to have this following criteria: 

  1. You like to use Font Awesome icon instead of default bootstrap icon 
  2. You want to have Text on before or after icon 
  3. You need to use custom class for icon

--------- How to Install -------------- 

  1. You need to override all files in icon plugin 

-----------How to Use -------------- 

  1. Choose Icon Field you like 
  2. Format: Use Default Joomla/Seblod OR FontAwesome's Icon 
  3. Icon Placement: 3 option given, Text Only, Icon - Text, Text - Icon 
  4. Default Text: The text that will be display. It will output from JText Object so it compatible with language system 
  5. Custom Class Icon: input the class manually. It will override whatever icon you set on Icon Field

Hope Octopoos team can consider this into core, but if not, hopefully it can help your joomla project

Please post here for discussion (don't pm me)

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