Hi all
For a very long time I had problem to make this to work.
Now I found out way how to do it.

There are 2 fields.
1. "Price" (price) which is number
2. "Price from" (price_from) is checkbox if not enabled it does not show up, if enabled it shows up.
3. Euro sign is just added at the end after.
I needed to set this in 1 line, so it looks nice.
1. In Product (Article) Admin form there are both fields, just need to fill them.
2. In Item view I put both these field in Hidden position. They should be there otherwise it will not work.
3. In Item view make new Field "Price all" which is only in Item view, not in Admin. This is Free Text field.
4. In free field Editor insert: $cck->getValue('price_from'); $cck->getValue('price'); € which makes all values. Disable JText (it helped me, I have multilanguage page). Save it.
5. For this field switch to Typography, enable HTML and add this: <span>$cck->getText('price_from'); </span>$cck->getValue('price');<span> €</span> which is mostly CSS formatting. CSS is added to page template or custom.css
And it seems working nicely.
This also applies to List & Search.