41 Posts
5 years ago

Hi, I'm setting up a movie database. For this purpose I have created a content type "Film" which should hold the information for each movie as well as a content type "Actor" which holds the information for actors. I've created a sidecast field as related article where I can select actors and a sidecast FieldX so I can have more than one side actor per movie.

I have set up my FieldX as described here: How to use plugin FieldX. As a database_column_name I have set "sidecast". When I enter actors in this way and save the article I get the error message "1146 Table '[PREFIX].#__cck_store_join_sidecast' doesn't exist" (where [PREFIX] is my Joomla database prefix. The side actors are stored somewhere and show up correctly in the front end, but the error message persists. Is this something I should worry about and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance!

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41 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Additional info: I just realised that while the FieldX information appears after saving the article, it won't let me upload images anymore.

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