11 years ago

Hello, I'm looking for a google maps plugin - field (whatever)
Which would be displayed in admin form (to put the point on the spot) and on listing to see the map with the spot..

So to explain a bit more.. every article from seblod has to have a google map with his own spot placed where the admin put it
I found some seblod 2 plugin but i dont think that he works realy on seblod 3

Thanks in advance for any help

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kaon,

Welcome to the forum of SEBLOD.

Can you give us more details about these plugins or templates? Can you give us more details about where you find these elements?
We propose in our market a "Map" template Map Template


11 years ago
Level 1

Hello I'm using the standard template seb_one and i found the plugin for seb v2 rp_google_map
I'm running on joomla 2.5 and seblod 3

Anyway I want to list houses.. (1 article - 1 house) So when I open the  custom made layout and article made in seblod..  I open the house article....

On the bottom i want to have "Location" that location should be a google map with the cords (point) of the house....

that rp_google_map sebv2 plugin you can add only one cord to the plugin.. not for every article 1 map .. 

Anyway I was thinking is is possible to embed a Joomla content plugin.. into seblod layout?
Thinking behind that is.. if i can add google map to a joomla article..  than just to use that same plugin from joomla content to add it to the seblod content?

Thanks in advance

11 years ago
Level 2


"is is possible to embed a Joomla content plugin."

yes, in any field value.

About SEBLOD Google Map products we worked a lot on it. We will publish soon a Google Map field plugin which do exactly what you want and a little more.. We're testing it on some projects.

Some other product on Google Map topic: address to coordinates http://www.seblod.com/products/920


11 years ago
Level 3

Just the question now is HOW?

Something like this?
Thanks in advance bes

11 years ago
Level 4

On form view: Add a text field to your form. Put the Content Plugin code as the default live value. Hid it. 

On Content view: just add your text field.

4 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3
can I install "Address to coordinates" on Joomla 2.5 ?

11 years ago
Level 4
Hello danigiac,
welcome on SEBLOD forum.

The plugin Field "Address to coordinate" is only for Joomla 3.x.
J2.5.x don't have the "google librairie".

Best regards.
11 years ago
Level 1
I have tried to customize the plugin code with the calculated coordinates (Adress to coordinate). I have created a field (as Text, Textarea, freetext) and used the plugin code as "default value" and "Live Value". However, the field names will appear in the code. What am I doing wrong?

{mosmap width='500'|height='400'|lat='#latitude#'|lon='#longitude#'| zoom='3'|mapType='Satellite'|text='sv DWO'|tooltip='DWO'| marker='1'|align='center' }
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