59 Posts
4 years ago


We have a very weird issue :

We have a content type with a file field+jquery upload on it

We have add a new field field+jquery upload upon.

On a new item we can use the both fields without issue.

BUT on a existing content we can freely use the 1irst upload without any issue but the new one have a weird behavior :

  • the upload works fine : we can see progressbar and the file in the folder
  • but when we save the content we have no error but the database just hget that information : {"u_util_docsajaxsinterne":""} instead of something like that {"u_util_docsajax_stockage":[{"aid":17830700,"name":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.docx","path":"docs\/ressources\/578\/","thumbs":""}]}

The issue is not related to a specific extention or file, we have tested in front and backoffice as superadmin.

It's a very annoying issue because we need to update 180 items with this second fields and we can't recreate these (we have considered that ^^)

Thanks a lot for your help

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59 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

We have found a way to solve that : we realize others ajx upload used for image doesn't work anymore too. When we check paramters we realize we don't set to Yes "instant save" for each fields. Once this parameters set to YES it works for each content.

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