10 years ago


I would highly personalized mail, depending on the response of Type single or multiple field
eg you are: 1) man or 2) a woman

mail1: hello boy .......
mail2: hello girl .....

Is it possible to put condition (if) or php code?

I saw the answer in the forum where he put a htlm message instead of the response of the field and he recalls the contents of this field in the popur personalized message. this is not what I want, I need to keep the answer to a later treatment.

thx jo

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572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi cj78,

You can recall the values from your fields in your email message by using #field_name# in your email text body.

The alternative is to have many different email send fields, and use the SEBLOD fields Restriction plugin to enable / disable them based on the values of other fields:


I haven't tried this solution before, but I believe from my understanding of this restriction that it will work. Proceed with caution though, if it does not work I don't think you will get a refund on the purchase... Just a warning.



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