332 Posts
9 years ago


I understand that I can either create a menu item or use a module to show a form. This form is for creating content types. I can go to tab 2 and pick "form" as link type, and there get access to edit this item.

But how can I include this in a content, without needing to push a link to edit?

What I want is to have a user field (like forum signature) they the user fills when filling their profile. And then I've got an article where I write about how to write the perfect forum signature, and In that article I just want to field to show with the entered value, so that they can rewrite it and update the field. 

How can I do this??

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9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kenneth,

two solutions to add a form in your content view :

  • with the plugin field "Joomla! module". You must have previously created a SEBLOD module Form.
  • By using the plugin field "Form" which let you to embed directly a form in a content viev

Best regards.


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Nice. I will give that one a go.

I tried {loadposition} in the WISIWYG area with a Seblod Form Module (this method might be the issue for the following error?), using some global fields both in user profile and elsewhere, but that didn't work. Shows me that I don't have access to that resource. Is there any limitations regarding the setup of user fields, either in different content types or as global fields worth noticing?

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Kenneth,

like I wrote in an other post, I think you have confusion with "global" fields.

It's a wrong word to speak about this kind of field.

There is NO global fields.

There is only fields which are not linked with a content type, this mean that this kind of fields are stored in a special table, depending on the object you are working on :

  • Object User => storage in #__cck_store_item_user
  • Object Article => storage in #__cck_store_item_content

A field used for the object "User" can't be used in a content type based on the object "Article".

By cons, when you have a message on ressource access, is normally not due to fields, but more to the permission of the content type.

Best regards.


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi again, Lionel, and thanks for clearing up. I will never call them global fields again. :)

You wrote:

two solutions to add a form in your content view :

  • with the plugin field "Joomla! module". You must have previously created a SEBLOD module Form.
  • By using the plugin field "Form" which let you to embed directly a form in a content view

But what about having a field which updates to the same cell in the table, on the same row each time?

Is there a field I need to purchase to add functionality to do this?

9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Kenneth,

there is no existing field for that.

Each field in a form will be store in a new database entry.

For doing what you want, you must write your own custom code. 

The best place for that is the event "After store". you can access to this event with the product Code

You just have to add a field Code "AfterStore" with your PHP code to do directly in database what you want.

In this event you have access to the variable $fields, which is an array of all form fields.

Best regards


332 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi again, and thank you for point that out.

Does that mean that I can use "Before Render" to get a value from the table as well, and have that as the value of the field?

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