6 Posts
4 years ago

Hi. In my Joomla site, I am using the JoomShaper Wayne Corp template that uses a Helix Ultimate framework with Bootstrap 4.1. I installed the FAQ application. In the FAQ Manager on the front-end, the edit (class icon-edit) and delete (icon-delete) icons are not displayed in the buttons in the list. When I used the default template, Protostar, they were displayed. The html class is icon-delete in a span. This is in the icon field.  I understand in Bootstrap 4.4, will include an icon library.  

How do I get the icon to display with Bootstrap 4? Will Seblod support Bootstrap 4? Does it support Bootstrap 3? Should I select a template that works with Bootstrap 3? How can I change the icon class if I use the Icon field? If I install an icon library, the names will be different than icon-edit, icon-delete. Any suggestions?

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6 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

Also, how do I use the Icon Field and point to another icon library?

6 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

All I could do right now is add in the List and Search Type form, some jQuery code in a content type, Script (JS)  with Behavior "Document Ready" or put it in a Flexi Custom Code module and use "jQuery" instead of "$": 

$( "span.icon-edit" ).replaceWith( "<i class='fa fa-edit'></i>" ); 

$( "span.icon-delete" ).replaceWith( "<i class='fa fa-trash'></i>" );

59 Posts
4 years ago
Level 3

I thinks it's the quickest option (and dirtiest ^^) because for changing the HTML rendering you need to override the view which generate your "wrong" code. Sometimes the class is simply in the content/list view and you have access to change it in option [6] but most of the time you have to found the mlugins/modules/component.

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