9 years ago


Sorry if this seems basic, but all the forum posts I have seen reference something that my Seblod doesnt show.

I am using a Seblod 'List & Search type' for my category item layout.

I want my Article title field to link to the actual article.

I have researched this, and this is what I am told to do:


In this thread, it says to:

"In order to add a link to your article title, you should :

  1. click on button 2 of your content type
  2. selct option content for the article title field (as you can see in this image)."

In my Seblod, there is no 'Content' option under button 2.

So how do i do this?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1


Normally you should be able to have this option, like in the added screenshot

9 years ago
Level 2


As you posited out in your screenshot, 'Content' is not a selectable option in recent versions of Seblod.

I have had 'VIEW' selected for some time now, but it doesnt work. Every time I click on the title, it takes me to the home page.

Here are some screen shots of my setup. Can anyone tell me if its incorrect?





If it helps, this is the URL that Seblod is generating (whiich takes me to the home page, instead of the full article):



If I turn ON SEF URL's, the link works. But I am 'developing' a site, i dont want SEF URL's on while I develop a new site.

Please advise....

9 years ago
Level 3


A little more info on how you configured things, might be helpful :-)

9 years ago
Level 4

The screen shots above show you what you need..

If you want more info, please be specific.....

9 years ago
Level 5


My Category Name is called 'Events Blog'. This is shown as the page heading. See Screen shot. (this is how it should be).


With SEF URL's enabled, I click on an article title to go to the full article view, and the Page Heading Still says 'Events Blog' (this should not be there):


On the Events Blog category listing, I have a google map at the to of the page. And when I click on an article title to go to the full article view, the google map at top of page should not show anymore, but it is still showing....I have a small google map showing at the bottom of the page of the full article listing that shows only the address of the full article. Because the big map is showing at the top of the page, the small map at the bottom doesnt show (I am using Geocode Factory 5 for my maps).

The point is, is that the URL is being generated incorrectly, and the key information here is that 'Events Blog' is showing as the page heading on the full article view, which it should not be showing at all, the page heading should ONLY be the actual article title.

(please note, you cannot see my maps in the screen shots).

9 years ago
Level 4

sorry, saw your edit to late

I cannot give you anymore advice, for turning on sef would be my next one, but that's not what you want

9 years ago
Level 5


Ok some more info.

Above I said I turned on SEF URL's. This meant that i enabled 'Native Joomla SEF URL's'.

I just enabled Sh404sef to handle SEF URLs (as this is the SEF URL component I use), and now the article title url's do not work anymore, when i click on them I am taking back to the home page.

There seems to definitely be some issue with URL routing with Seblod.

Can the developer of Seblod make any comment here?

9 years ago
Level 6

Ok, some more info.

I already had my Seblod and Sh404sef setup according to this tutorial:


The issue as to why i am sent to the home page when clicking on the Article title is as follows:

Home page menu id = 435

Events Blog menu id = 2073

(my articles belong to the Joomla Category and thus Joomla/Seblod Menu item 'Events Blog').


WIth SEF URls disabled and with Sh404sef enabled, the NON SEF url is as follows:


What it should be is:


So, for some reason the home page menu ID is being inserted into the NON SEF url instead of the menu ID of the actual category/menu that my seblod articles belong to.


So, if i go into Sh404sef url manager, and change the NON SEF url to the correct NON SEF URL listed above......then when i click on the Article Title it now works (but it still says 'Events Blog' at the top of the page).

9 years ago
Level 1

Does anyone (any mods/seblod developers) have any answers to this?

I have spoken to Sh404sef and they say its Seblod related (more specifically, since Joomla changed their url routing in Joomla 3.4.X, they made some quite significant changes..so if Seblod hasnt been changed to work properly with the new Joomla 3.4.X url routing, then this is the issue).

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello austenn01,

SEBLOD have his own router which let you decide how must be the url to an article when you are in a SEBLOD list.

For that you have the choice between differents options:

  • Joomla Native method
  • SEBLOD methods :

    • /alias
    • /alias (safe)
    • /id
    • /id-alias (Default)
    • /parent/alias
    • /parent/id
    • /parent/id-alias
    • /type/alias
    • /type/id
    • /type/id-alias

So you don't need any other extension to manage your SEF urls when you are using SEBLOD.

You can set that on the general options of SEBLOD for all your website:

and then customize that for each case directly in each search type configuration:

For module with map, if you are using the SEBLOD List module you can define on which url the module is displayed, and on which is not displayed:

For the title of the page you can use the title of the search type instaead of the title of the menu item, so like that, when you will be on the Article view (always on the same menu item) you will only show the article title.

We are writing an manual for understanding the SEF url with SEBLOD, so i hope it will help before the manual will be public.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hello Lionel,

Thanks for the reply.

1) Could you please take a look at the my first post (original issue) that this thread was created for? IE: with no SEF URL's enabled, when i click on a link it doesnt work... I then started trying to enable SEF URL's to see if this could help me trouble shoot the issue. The MAIN ISSUE is not related to Sh404sef, it that the REAL URL is not working when we dont have sef url enabled. As you know, we dont develop with sef urls on.

2) i appreciate you say we dont need a 3rd part SEF tool, but fact is many of us use Sh404sef, cause we dont just use Seblod and we want to freedom that Sh404sef gives us. Plus there are many other reasons to use Sh404sef than just sef url generation.

3) It WAS possible to use Sh404sef with Seblod, but since the Joomla upgrade to 3.4.X, Seblod doesnt work with Sh404sef. I have spoken to Sh404sef, and they belive the reason it doesnt work is how Seblod is working with the native Joomla SEF URL.

Could you please advise?

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