18 Posts
10 years ago

We use Seblod 3.3.6 on Joomla 3.3.1 and we create a front end form with groupx that contain multiple wysiwyg with jce selected as editor.

The first one is loading ok but when we click the green + , the new groupx seem to be load with no editor until we save so when the page reload all the wysiwyg allready present is now loaded with jce selected as editor.

We are experiencing this in front end form with firefox internet explorer and google chrome

I'v see some other post about that but they are all old and I can't find or understand the solution.

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Guillex,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forum.

Unfortunately, it appears that there is an issue with GroupX and wysiwyg editors - as it is reported in the tracker.

Have you seen this post - The work around appears to be to put the editor in a modal box.

Hope that helps,


18 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks you for your quick answer

Yes I have see this post but I was hopping for a solution without the use of modal.

I imagine that one day the solution will emerge but for now I am unsing the save button to see wysiwyg in each groupx needed in the form.

Thanks for your great job with seblod

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Guys,

I just want to add a suggestion to the wysiwyg field plugin...

Having the editor appearing in a modal box indeed fixes many issue and also makes complex forms more compact. Actually that also the way you do it in the various interfaces of Seblod.

But one thing that refrains many (..at least me) of using it in a modal box is that it takes too much time to lookup the content. It would be really-really helpful to have an option to for previewing the content next to the edit button.

I think that could be a div (overflow:auto) with fixed width (default 100%) and height (default 250px). On form load and when saving content in the modal box, the preview would be updated. Global Seblod options could allow to fine-tune the loaded css for the preview (maybe default template "template.css" file like many editors). A potential useful option could allow also to show the preview in a modal box with another button, the advantage would be to have instantaneous (no loading) preview and keep the form compact.

As always, thanks for the outstanding Seblod system.

10 years ago
Level 1


For my part, I click just on the button bottom of editor, named : toogle the editor

And I see my wysiwyg JCE or tiny.

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