10 years ago
Hi All,
still stacked with registration form. I find out that these two actions are represented in Seblod as one form. Am I correct?
When user edits his profile he is redirected to the page index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&id=999&Itemid=999 where 999 is his ID.
And user can change his login, e-mail etc. fields which I don't want him to change! How can I restrict this??? IS there any settings in Seblod where I can say for example : "if url=edit, field=readonly"
Thanks for reaction!
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi terveg,

My first thought, and one way to do this, is to use the user id field as your flag.  Then you can set some conditionals on the site form: if user_id is filled then disable the fields that you want.

Hope that helps,


10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for good idea! I use HAS CLASS=HIDDEN, when USER_ID is filled.
And described .hidden{display:none} in CSS file,
But would be nice to have READ ONLY also in Conditional States. Because some field might be only informative, visible and without possibility to change this by user. I see the page code for read-only fields is readonly="readonly", maybe there is an option to set for this field readonly="readonly" in Conditional States ???
10 years ago
Level 3
actually "is DISABLED" works like readonly, and I can say in CSS: input[disabled]{color:#ccc} for example
but if I set "disable" - i get en error - form is not saved....So anyhow read-only option is needed.
I understand "disabled" is equal to empty....and if I have this field required - I get an error
10 years ago
Level 1
actually not solved,

I faced with problem. If user is created and logged in, he CAN add many new users easily through user registration menu item.
Is this a bug or feature?
How can i hide this menu item an show to not-registred only? seems this may help 
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