151 Posts
1 year ago


I was very happy with the release of the SD Field Concat for Seblod 4, I have just installed it but found it has no fields to configure it's options. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong? I'm using the last Joomla 4  version with Seblod 4.0.6.

Thanks for any help

Get a Book for SEBLOD
1 year ago
Level 1


So you have no options when you edit the field based on this type ?

151 Posts
1 year ago
Level 1

This is the way I see the field:

151 Posts
1 year ago
Level 2

I can't attach any media or image, I get a message something about an ilegal extensión , no matter if the image has png or jpg format. But no, I don't see all those configuration fields, on my installations (the same problem intwo different sites). There are no fields in the construction section of the SD Concat Field, below the title Construction there is the Storage section which do display all its fields. Only the Construction section has no fields.

11 months ago
Level 3


Maybe a Javascript error. Could you check in the browser console ?

For the media extension, maybe an uppercas/lowercase sensitive problem ?

151 Posts
11 months ago
Level 4

Hi, Oliver, thanks for answer me. 

I think I didn't explain myself well. I can't attach an image here in the forum (I get a wrong format message, regardless if it's jpg or png) to show how it is that in my Seblod installation the SD Concat field does not display the panel where the field is configured . In the Seblod configuration window, the SD Concat field only shows the title of the "configuration" panel but without fields below, that is, I cannot set any value there. Below is the "sorage" panel, which does have their respective fields.

10 Posts
11 months ago
Level 5

Joomla Version 4.0.6  // PHP-Version8.2.8 // Seblod 4.x, Version 4.0.6 // SD Field Concat Version 3.0.0

Same situation on my side. There is no construction area visible. 

151 Posts
11 months ago
Level 6

Yes, thats the way SD Concat Field configuration panel is displayed on my sites too. I'm using PHP 8.1.18. There is no JavaScript error in the browser console

120 Posts
11 months ago
Level 1

Hi @all,

I have the same problem, it's very strange because in some sites (same server and config) it works and in some new sites it does not work.

The sites working ok are sites updated from Seblod 3 and Joomla 3. In new sites it does not work. I have been playing with legacy mode, legacy routing mode and sql mode but is the same.

I'm using latest Joomla 4, Seblod 4 and php8.1.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best regards.

11 months ago
Level 1


I can reproduce the issue on a fresh J4/S4 install. The problem is the option fields that should be created during the install of the SD Concat plugin are not and so the "Construction" fieldset is empty.

It's working on upgraded websites as the fields already exist.

Fix in progress

11 months ago
Level 1

Hi, looks like a fix there is and will be soon available on the SEBLOD store.

120 Posts
11 months ago
Level 2

Thank you again Olivier!

148 Posts
11 months ago
Level 1

Thanks for the fix, folks. While you're at it, could you also please update the following to bring it to J4 standards:

In this file/plugins/cck_field/sd_field_concat/sd_field_concat.php

Update all instances of$db->query()

With: $db->execute()

Not sure how the plugin even works for others on J4 (with legacy turned on in the Seblod settings, perhaps?)

Thank you so much!

120 Posts
8 months ago
Level 2


I think it is working with Joomla 4 only with some kind of configurations.

For example, while using in the list of fields something as #my_field_1#||#my_field_2 it works, but if we are using something as @title(my_field_1) it does not work and returns an error, not allowing to edit or save the content type.

In any case it currently cannot be installed on Joomla 4, it requires certain tweaks.

8 months ago
Level 3

Hi Guys,

Could you try this fix on a 3.0.0 SD Concat field version ?



120 Posts
8 months ago
Level 4


Yes was that, simple. It works now with values as @title(my_field)

What I still don't understand is in which point was fixed the problem with the installation of this field on a fresh J4 installation, as we mentioned in this post three months ago.

I tried now and the fields on the configuration side are visible.

Thank you.

Best regards.

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