59 Posts
5 years ago


We have 2 issues whith the exporter plug-in.

  • In back office we can export a content type with all fields with the session option : export all fields
  • Still in back office if we want to select some specific fields we only have core fields
  • In frontend (we have build a frontend managment of the content types) even with the "export all fields session" we don't have the custom field

The storage is standard article and permissions seems to be ok.

We need a specifics fields session export working in frontend. What can we check or what are we missing there ?


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5 years ago
Level 1

Hello SemaphoreOxalis,

In Frontend, you must add all the desired fields in the list.

If you don't want to see them in the list, you can add them in the position "Clear" or add the typography "Clear" on the field.

To manage the order of columns in the export, you have to order fields in the list from the top to the bottom.


59 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

Yes it works how can we miss that. And now we have understand the logic behind the plug-in : in the profile you can select or unselect only the core fields you don't select the custom fields there. It's normal we don't see our customs fields in the "select fields" parameters of the plug-in 

I think the plug-in documentation could be upgraded (and screenshot too ^^).


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