10 years ago
I am using the Seblod Search (JS) plugin with a simple select field and since there are barely any instructions on its use im not sure that im using it correctly.
The results of the simple select are stored in a comma separated value and there fore when the plugin applies a url it is onto the whole comma separated group of words rather than each individual word. Next i tried applying this
var mystring = '<?php echo $cck->renderField ('dj_music_genre');?>';
mystring = '<ul class="music-genre-item"><li>' + mystring.replace(/,/gi,'</li><li>') + '</li></ul>';
to turn the csv into a ul/li but the $cck->renderfield (which i assume you need for this plugin to work rather than value) doesnt work on the results. How can i get each of the chosen simple select fields to have links?
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