8 years ago

Is there way we can remove SEBLOD to messing with Joomla core user section. We are using OAuth and it seems SEBLOD changing the core modules and com_user. 

Any recommendations or suggestions?

Thank you

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

What do you mean by "SEBLOD changing the core modules and com_user"?

Otherwise you can set integration options in seblod component options, integration tab.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago
Level 1

codekadiya want to know if he can disable SEBLOD - Joomla Integration for the user management. All all user management will handle by core joomla not seblod.

I don't think it possible to completely disable seblod to intouch with joomla, but if you like to disable the integration process, you can set registration integration to "NO"

8 years ago
Level 2

@Viktor, you can totally disable SEBLOD about User (such as for category, article or other). Just select default content type None, Add Button none

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
8 years ago
Level 3

Ah.. thanks for clarification ! Learning something new... hope i don't mislead codekadiya to far... ha ha...

Suggestion, it would be better if we have option: User Integration with Yes/No Button... but otherwise, we can put this tips on the documentation

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