I'm having trouble getting the download link for a field type "Upload - File" with SEF URL.
At the moment I get a URL like:
I would like to get something like
Is this possible at all with the Upload - File field type?
I have tried all different settings in Content->Link + Markup for that field. But the link always stays the same.
In my position override to render the contents, I call the link to the field with
<?php echo $cck->get('general_file')->link; ?>
If I use
<?php echo $cck->getValue('general_file'); ?>
I get the path to the file like "images/files/filename.pdf" which is more like a SEF link.
But still I would like to use the download link functionality that I get with
<?php echo $cck->renderField('general_file'); ?>
and have a SEF URL.
Any ideas? Thank you.