9 years ago


Is it possilble to send email to user when just specific filed is edited in form?

In default, we can send email when each field is edited in the form.

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15 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi raz,

try with display/hide 'email field' trigered by field which is changed.

Example : if field A changed, then field email is visible.

I do not try it yet, just though

9 years ago
Level 1

it does not work

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Raz,

I think you have not implemented the suggestion properly. There is a trick to this.

  1. Create a radio field called "Send Email Toggle" Options yes=2 no=0 (this is really important that you use yes=2)
  2. Put a conditional state on the radio field. SEND_EMAIL_TOGGLE is filled with the value "2"when *FIELD_NAME* is changed
  3. In your email send field (the one that triggers the email) next to Send Email set it to "Edition" and then in the box on the right put send_email_toggle

That will work.

I've attached the Send Email manual as well in case you aren't familiar with that field.

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi jrmo
It works for first time only,
because when *FIELD_NAME* is changed, the Send Email Toggle is set to yes, and when I click on save the email is sent correctly,
but in the second time I open the form,If I don't edit the form or I change another filed, it remains yes and email is sent again, because of the last edition that set the filed to yes.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

It's not clear to me what you are asking.

Do you want the email to send every time the content item is edited? Or only the first time?

You could try to set a live value on *send_email_toggle* to 0 so that every time you open the form to edit it it will re-set to 0, and then if you chance *FIELD_NAME* it will update the value to 2 and trigger the email.


9 years ago
Level 5

It is exactly what I need every time I open the form to edit it must re-set to 0
But also with live value ,if I change *FIELD_NAME* it will update the value to 2 and I save the form, for second time that I open the form for edit, it doesn't reset to 0,
it set to yes, I think because it saved with yes in the last time.

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