10 years ago


There are some problem with the upload system. I try to set an application form in a sidebar on the right. It has value 23% of width. The browse button is too wide to fit in this width, so the text "no file selected" cut down. is it possible to make this responsible?

2nd problem: How can we custumize the browse button (background etc.)? Where can we set the text for the button? Now it is use the language of the browsers. we would like to use hungarian and english texts depending on which language is selected!

Addition to this the limit of the file upload and the file extension check before submit the form is not possible? Somebody told me that we could use js on this field. I've inserted the js and it was fine. But after we realised that when the form is submited the primary function not working.

Problem 4:

In IE the browse button looks incorrect. It is works but to tell the truth I really don't want IE users to get this kind of ugly button!

Thnak you in advance!


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