103 Posts
6 years ago

Today I have been facing a very weird issue with my forms at frontend, all select dynamic and select dynamic cascade fields are not working and when inspected, I saw:

<select id="branch_name" name="branch_name" size="1">The most recent request was denied because it had an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.</select>

Tried by refreshing the page ( as the error suggests)

tried by logging out and logging in again but it also not worked

tried by accessing the form from another pc with another internet (ip) also not worked

Can anyone please let me know what happened to it?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Select dynamic cascade retrieves values with ajax, so if something is not ok with ajax response it can mess the selects. If not already, you will need to update seblod and all extensions like select dynamic cascade

179 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Updating the dynamic cascade field helped me solving this issue. The problem is that neither SEBLOD nor its plugins use the Joomla update process. Hence nobody knows when updates are available unless one checks constantly manually which of course with 30 plugins installed is almost impossible. Therefore I urge the SEBLOD team to come up with a reliable update process, thanks.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

That is not correct, Seblod and plugins use Joomla update notifications. To update plugins you also need Seblod updater installed and your key set


4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5

There is a delay before this notification appears as we want to make sure upgrade is working ok before we notify larger circle of users.

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