6 years ago

Hello, folks.

There is a usual case, when I build a site with SEF setting ```/alias```. Customer asked me to make that pert numbers of his goods would be alias - it is unique and more or less short. I said - No, problem, this is usual, normal function. But I found that many part numbers contain digits only - for example 806886. So, such articles are not found by Joomla. Only After two hours I guessed put a letter to alias - I made it 806886a - it works!!! So, my question is - is it "feature" of SEBLOD or Joomla? And is it bug or feature? I couldn't find this code in seblod files.

Many thanks all who help me.

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

This is Joomla limitation, you would need to override com_content router

6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, Klas!

I've suspected something like this... But there is a question - can SEBLOD correct it from its side?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

If only number is found in the url it is interpreted as an article id by the com_content router.  As Seblod items are displayed inside com_content container, com_content router takes precedence when routing to an individual item. So to change this behavior outside Seblod component context (e.g. on seblod lists) one would need to override com_content router and it's logic or catch the url early enough in the process that it would parse the route before it is handed to com_content. So it is most likely doable, but it would change default Joomla behavior.

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