6 years ago

Hi, Seblod is a great CCK, and I am still learning how to control this monster.

I have a download file that shown on the list, so clients can download the file. but the thing is, sometimes the file name is very long, so what I want to do is have "download" shown on the list, but the link is still direct to the file. Is it possible?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Please explain in more detail which field you are using now.

If you have file names stored somewhere you could use https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/19158 to create links, with file select field https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/602 you are probably using there is no way the field would know which file to download, user must select one. 

6 years ago
Level 2

Sorry if I didn't make it clear.

How my project work is, 

1.client upload a file, and the administrator downloads the file.

2.administrator will edit the file, and submit to the website(its 1 to 1 service), now

3.the client should see a list of articles(can only see own's submission), and there is a field can download the edited file. I want "Download" instead of the file name, I am currently using "download" extension, but it shows the full file name.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Hi, yes, but which field are you useing - core FIle Upload field or File Select field (linke din my previous post)?

6 years ago
Level 4

Oh, I am using the upload field, and create a folder for each user

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