22 Posts
6 years ago

One:  I have a table called quizData. It will always contain only 1 row. It has columns option1, option2, option3, option4, option5 each of type int. In the beginning, these columns have 0 as their value. How do I add 1 to any column, say option2?

Two: How could I restrict a Registered user to submit a form only once. for example in a article comment form an user can comment only once per article.

thank you.

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You shouldn't create any tables manually, seblod creates necessary database and record for you, I suggest you read about this in tutorials.

To restrict user you have various options available in permissions

22 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Thanks, Klas

But I don't find any way to limit form submission to only once.

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

From the manual linked above, important part in bold:

"Create - permission to create new content. You can also set total maximum allowed number of items in parent content type (Max. in Parent), maximum allowed number of items in parent content type per author (Max. in Parent/Author) and maximum allowed number of items per author in this content type (Max. / Author)"

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