9 years ago

Hi Forum,

I am just trying to find out if the following is possible via Seblod. Basically, I want the user to fill out the form, and on Submit, the user details/information should be saved to a PDF, and that PDF should be attached to the receiving email address.

Please let me know if this is possible or another method you might suggest.



Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Dale!

You can try it with the code pack plugin from the Seblod store -> http://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/1854

Try it with the "Code After Store" Field:

When the article is stored, create the PDF and send it to the user of course you must build the logic for this.

Joomla provides us with a PDF and Mailing Class as far i can tell.

Joomla PDF -> https://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Creating_PDF_views

Joomla send mail -> https://docs.joomla.org/Sending_email_from_extensions

BR AUTeddy

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi AUTeddy,

Thanks for the response.

I have a form already is working correctly, and sends to email with content and attachment.

Link to form

I see that you have provided links to generate a PDF output, but how would I go about that? Will I have to include my generated PDF inside Seblod, as an attachment field as well? Because the form will be stored and then the PDF will have to be sent with the email as well.

Just a bit confusing with regarding the generating of the PDF from the form.



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