11 years ago

Hi all,

I need to show/hide some fields on a front end form accordingly to the user access level. I know that while editing a Form & Content Type it's possible to select the button number 4 "Access" and define the access lever for each field, but there is this unexpected behaviour with "Related Article" fields:

field1 (Related Article) - access: Superuser access level

field2 (Related Article) - access: Author access level

Accessing to the front-end form to edit an existing article with an Author access level field2 is showed and saved correctly, while field1 is hided  (correct behaviour) but saving the article the existing field1 content is lost. 

Anyone knows how to hide field1 preserving his pre-existing content?

Thank you

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

I want to specify that the described problem occurs only on "Related Article" and "Joomla! Article" field types.

All the other field types that I tested all maintain their value even if they are not shown by the access control system for an user.

Anyone has some suggestion? Is it a bug?


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