203 Posts
11 years ago
Hi sebloders, I would like to create a program that:
1. create an updatable database of customer lists;
2. I create a database, always updated, where if there is a record in the customer lists allow me to enter one or more movements about example purchases.
Of course the form to the database should be created with seblod.
Where do we start? I know it will not be easy, but try not cost me anything.
Greetings and thank you, Louis
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi louispapera,

Can you give some more details on what you are trying to accomplish? When you mean database, are you referring to tables in the database? If that's what you mean, have you looked at a related article field?


203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear Randy, first of all thanks for the reply. I created a data archive of companies. Now I would like to create a form to upload the data. The form should first verify that there is to predict the company and then give the ability to upload the data. Follow the example:

this is the report I need:

key firm address city state
123 levis lincoln, 2 rome italy

key date purchase price
123 10/03/2014 trousers € 20
123 11/03/2014 jacket € 15
123 14/03/2014 hat € 10

As you can see there are two tables whose union is the key.
To enter the data in the second table (purchase) it is necessary that there should be the company (firm).

Is it possible by seblod ? I will be in await for your reply.
Best regards, louis

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Dear Sebloders, I ask something very difficult or not possible to do it with seblod ? 
I would lile to program and use seblod. I hope someone help me and give me a way to reach the purpose.
Best regards, Louis
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Louis,

Do you also want to add new companies with the form or only new purchases for existing companies?
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hellò gebeer, I want work in both way, I should add new company and then I should add purchases.
Primary key for companies should be unique, then I will go to increase file purchases.
I would like to use the potential of seblod using forms and working on the database.
Example: I should be able to choose a company with key field and then if key is available put out the fields in the output description of company to verify that the right company and then insert the movements regarding purchases.
Example: I need to insert key 123, as for preview post, and to have fields in output: 123 levis lincoln, 2 rome italy, then insert purchases.
Clearly when key is not available permit to me to insert company. Currently I work with IBM sistem AS/400 as programmer and I should know as do it, but I haven't any idea to start with pc. Could you help me to start, please ? Regards, Louis
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Greetings to an "old companion" ;-) Used to work with the system in my "pre-web-life". Funny to read your post about index and unique ids: That was my way of thinking in those times! Worked also a lot with so-called "subfiles" ;-) Aah, memories… IMHO, a pretty straight forward system with very special features regarding relational databases and the accompanying programming languages. Hence build-in features and functions (compared to PC & MySQL).

BTW, you might also be interested in the following products:

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hellò pepperstreet,I am pleased to read that you also have worked on systems like me. You will know that it is very difficult to transfer a way to work on different systems. I would like to try programming on the web and would like to just start using seblod to create my form and put them together using key fields, I hope to succeed. Thanks for the suggest about plugins. I will try to understand the usefulness and will inform you soon. Regards, Louis
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello Louis,

yesterday I wrote a reply that took me about 20min. I copied everything to the clipboard (always do that with longer posts in case something goes wrong on submit) and then hit submit. This made my Firefox crash. After opening it again, I wanted to paste the post from the clipboard - but is was gone. I found out that clipboard gets erased when application crashes that you copied the content of the clipboard from. That was very frustrating.

But now I type it again.

You have 2 tables: companies, purchases.

You need to setup  2 Seblod content types: companies, purchases.

Content type companies form fields:
comp_key, comp_firm, comp_address, comp_city, comp_state

Content type purchases form fields:
purch_key, comp_key, purch_date, purch_purchase, purch_price

For those fields you set the storage to free-table and then choose your respective tables for each content type. James Morrell has a great video on Seblod storage options.

For the comp_key field in the purchase form use a dynamic select field that gets populated from your company table. Use comp_firm as Options Name and comp_key as Options value. Set the storage to the comp_key field in your purchase table.

Now when you open the purchase form, you get a select field with all the companies in it. You can choose a company, fill in your purchase data and the purchase will get saved to your purchase table with the correct company key.

If you want to check by comp_key whether a company already exists:
Set up a List&Search for your company content type. In the search tab incude the comp_key field and a submit button. When you go to the search form, you type in a company key and hit submit. If a company is found, you can redirect to the purchase input form. If no company is found, you can redirect to the company input form and add the company.
For the company form you can add a redirect after submit to the purchase form.

This should be it. Let me know if it works out for you.

203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear Gerhard, many thanks for your reply and excuse me for the prolonged delay.
I have been very busy and I will inform you soon next week about my request. Have a nice week end.
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Dear Gerhard, I have any difficult about dinamic select file because it was in wrong.
See you the options please: http://regionesiciliana.altervista.org/gebeer.pdf
If you want, you can see the web site directly.
Besides I have had any problems about james morrell videos because he speak very quickly.
I wioll be in await for your news.  Best regards, Louis

10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Louis,

I saw your pdf. In the field Table you have to enter: #__name_of_company_table_in_your_DB.
You can send me a login to your site to this address gbratgmxdotnet and I will have a look.
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Dear Gerhard, many thanks, I have sent a form with all informations through your web site (http://www.webseiten-fuer-alle.de/#).
Excuse me but I don understand your e-mail address (gbratgmxdotnet). If you need furter comunications, please, inform me.
Regards, Louis
203 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Dear Gerhard, thanks for your interest in, I create a form and I choose by select dinamic field a company.
Now, it is very important for me to be sure about company name, because often I have more company with the same name, therefore, I need some fields that permit me to see also : address, zipcode and city.  
That is I need to see some fields in site form, in output, when I choose company( I think that when I choose company I read also all fields about that record).
Is it possible to do it, please ? Thanks in advance for all.
Best regards, Louis
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