4 Posts
9 years ago

Hi Guys, This is my first post, I guess.. 

I'm using Joomla 3.4 and Seblod 3.7.2. 

On My Seblod Project I did a person manager, whose some fields must to get informations of articles from a specific category from Joomla (videos, news). For exemple. 

We have 2 topics on this person informations, "Related Videos" And "News Related", it's necessary at least 10 articles to list for each topics. 

I had trying to do with dynamic field getting a list of articles of videos, on this way I could select what's videos appears, but didn't work with getting value from "introtext" table. After that I tried to do with "joomla article related" field, but as I saw, just list only one register. 

Now the question: It's possible to do this list by automatic listing a quantity of register that I choose? 5,10, 12... For listing de videos it's necessary to show thumbnail with link for open on modal. For news, just a title with link it's sufficient.

It's possible using joomla tags for this?

Someone could help? 


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4 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi gualhanone

Your post is a little confusing for me...

You gave two categories Realated videos and News Related?

You want a list of Related Videos, and a list of News Related based on the userid of person page?

Is that the basic idea?

As a very basic outline:

I think I would create a List & Search type for each List, set the catid in the live setting, set the userid from the url if possible or from a field in the content using SD Live,create the List Modules and then add Modules to the page.


4 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Bucklash, 

I made an app for store some people profile we have how about 60 profiles, but the website have joomla articles, (news and videos) related to this profiles, I'm looking for some solutions to show this related itens into each profile respectively. 

It's not a users profile system, for we use a userid to list other registers. 

Imagine a product catalog, that you must to show news about this product. If I have to create a new module to show news related for each product, it's not so usual


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4


Sorry man, still not getting your dilemma so sorry for intruding on your post. Post it again with some more specific info, field types and live values etc... 


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