9 years ago


Is it possible to have more than one site-form within an app?

I would like in the front end for users to offer a form with basic data in three different configurations. A = 10 / B = 15 and C = 20 fields.

Theoretically, I could represent all the fields in a form in diffrent Stages and the user fills only from affecting him. But I have several fields that he should not see and do not want to fill. 


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9 years ago
Level 1


app can have mutiple forms, but what you are probably looking for are parent-children relations. You can create those using group field (see article form for example, child forms can be found by setting form filter on the left to "All status" not just On.

If your form fields are only partially different then it is better to use conditionals or restriction to define conditions under which individual fields are shown.

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