19 Posts
11 years ago

Hello I would like to know how do I configure and field multi category SEBLOD 3.x I tried here and failed. The article that I put in multi category does not appear at all on the site. u can help me?

Multi Categoria
Olá eu gostaria de saber como eu faço para configurar e o campo de multi categoria do seblod 3.x eu tentei aqui e não deu certo. O artigo que coloco em multi categoria não aparece de modo algum no site. vcs podem me ajudar?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi thiagonmat,

Thank you for your post and welcome to SEBLOD forum.

SEBLOD enable you to implement multi-category feature. However, it's not really multi-category. Why, because Joomla! does not allow do it. Each article is associated to only one category.

So, you can get around this problem with SEBLOD. Why ? You should for that associate all of your article to one category ok. You will find all of your articles in one category in the content manager.

But, with seblod, you will add an additional field called category that has another storage (for example: standard -> article -> category). In your form you can use checkbox or multi-select field in order to allow you to select several categories. Finally, you should define a search type in order to retrieve these article not based Joomla! Category but base your new category field.


19 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hello thank you for answering my ask. But could you tell me how I create it in SEBLOD? I say this because I know create categories of joomla but not only them in SEBLOD.

Olá muito obrigado por responder a minha perguntar. Mas você poderia me dizer como eu crio isso no seblod? Digo isso por que eu sei criar as categorias do joomla apenas mas não elas no seblod.

11 years ago
Level 1


have a look at some of the early videos tutorials on seblod, this should help

41 Posts
Umair Hassan
11 years ago
Level 1


But to make multicategories with seblod field is it possible to show # of articles in category, like joomla shows.



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