1283 Posts
9 years ago

Hi folks,

English: I am asking a question based on your philosophy or best practise:

What are the pros and cons for creating a new content type rather than creating a new type of article?

Is it 

- Ease of use, able to see your own fields more easily, debugging becomes easier?

- Packaging in an App, is it less of a problem if a new content type?

- Speed?

- Integrating with 3rd party modules ie modules from Rockettheme etc...

- Personal choice, there is no difference?

Please give your advice or suggestions

Français: Je pose une question sur la base de votre philosophie ou les meilleures pratiques : Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de la création d'un nouveau type de contenu plutôt que de créer un nouveau type d'article ? est-ce - Facilité d'utilisation , capable de voir vos propres champs plus facilement , le débogage devient plus facile ? - Emballage dans une App , est-il moins d'un problème si un nouveau type de contenu ? - Vitesse ? - Intégration avec 3rd party modules dire modules RocketTheme etc ... - Choix personnel , il n'y a pas de différence ? S'il vous plaît donner votre avis ou suggestions

Portugais : Je pose une question sur la base de votre philosophie ou les meilleures pratiques : Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de la création d'un nouveau type de contenu plutôt que de créer un nouveau type d'article ? est-ce - Facilité d'utilisation , capable de voir vos propres champs plus facilement , le débogage devient plus facile ? - Emballage dans une App , est-il moins d'un problème si un nouveau type de contenu ? - Vitesse ? - Intégration avec 3rd party modules dire modules RocketTheme etc ... - Choix personnel , il n'y a pas de différence ? S'il vous plaît donner votre avis ou suggestions

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

To clarify a bit more with an example...

If I was going to build a property website, would creating a property "article" be better than a property content type from blank?

Or if I was going to create a music website, would a content type from "blank" be better for each of these: bands, albums, venues etc....?

Thanks for any input/ideas/suggestions

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I have since come to the conclusion that the app method is for when you want to export your content types (probably always!), and most of the new content types would be articles anyway, create from blank :)

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Bucklash,

I would say, the first thing is to take care of different terms used to speak about SEBLOD.

You must make the difference between 4 terms :  Object / Content Type / Search Type / Application

OBJECT : basically, Joomla work around 5 objects :

  • Article
  • Category
  • User
  • User Groups
  • User Note

CONTENT TYPE : in SEBLOD, a content type give you the possibility to manage data based on one of the previous object. For each content type you can manage 4 views :

  • Administration form
  • Site form
  • Intro view (used only if you display your content with Joomla list (category list, featured list,...)
  • Content view

SEARCH TYPE : you can elaborate advanced list based on data generated by a SEBLOD Content Type and can create differents views for same data (table list, map list, blog list, ...)

APPLICATION : an application is all SEBLOD pieces which are working on same type of data.

For example, if you are managing ads for selling house, you will create 

  • a Content type with :

    • admin form to be able to add ads (not mandatory)
    • Site form if you want to manage your data from the frontend
    • Content view

  • A search type with blog view to display all ads
  • A search type with map view if you want to show where ads are located
  • A search type with table view for administrator if you want to manage ads from the frontend
  • A search type with a slide wiev if you want to display the 3 latest ads in a module
  • ......

For each piece, you can specify the same Application Folder. The Application folder allow you to export your application on an other website where there is SEBLOD, but not only. When you manage all your pieces in backend you can filter all manager (Content type manager, ...) by the application folder, so you access directly to what you are working on.

After that explication, what I can say, is that when you arrived on SEBLOD extention, at the biginning you continue to think Joomla (make article, display category list,...)  => It's not the good way!

The best way is to thing SEBLOD, so Application., even if you don't want to export your application

I hope it will help you.



1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Lionel

I am definitely thinking in a mix of Joomla and Drupal (content types and views are slightly different).... I wil read your reply a few times to digest it... thanks for taking the time 

To reword your reply a little to prove I understand it...

Joomla has 5 objects: Article, Category, User, User Groups, User Note

A content type is a version (or type) of an object

Each Content Type consists of 4 views 

2 views for forms (Back end and front end), and as 2 views for content (Intro and Content)

Separate to that are Search Lists....

You'll be seeing a lot of posts from me so I apologise in advance :)

9 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Lionel and Bucklash for asking these questions and taking the time to answer them so clearly.  I've had similar questions and this helped me.  One question still is unanswered though Lionel, and that is the title of this post by Bucklash.    

"Blank vs. Article"

I think I understand that we should use the object type most similar to our content, which is probably most often "Article".  However, I'm curious about when is best to use a Blank Skeleton and if you do choose blank are there any fields that you should add as a matter of practice.

For example, I'm just learning about GroupX and wondering if I should use a blank skeleton for the 3 fields that I want to group.

More info on blank skeleton would be helpful.  thanks

Thanks again!


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Lownotes

I create from blank nearly always, and I also create all the fields I need for each content type rather than re-use pre-existing fields. Maybe that will change in the future, but this way I can choose my own naming conventions ie all of the fields for a project can have a prefix of 'my_crazy_prefix' - that way I can see what I've done, experiment without screwing up other content types, and it looks neater :)
Also, using the pre-existing fields or sharing new fields amongst your content types means the config is shared by any instance of the field. That is either a good thing or a bad thing, depends on what you are trying to do.
RE: groupx fields... Blank is more likely best for groupx as you only need the fields that are relevant to your storage.
Also, I have not checked but I am pretty sure I have read that the 'Intro' view is used for group or groupx fields but that needs confirming!!

I hardly ever use the 'Intro' view found in 'Form & Content Type'.

Admin Form, Site Form, and Content View get used for sure (actually, 'Admin Form' very rarely, too, as I like it all to be front-end).

Most "intro's" are handled by the List & Search Type's 'List' or 'Item' view.


9 years ago
Level 4

Thanks Bucklash!

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