64 Posts
6 years ago


I would like to add a payment sistem. I wan to add posibility to pay for each article has been added in Joomla. But... i want to keep the articles only 1 year from the date of publication. When the item will have 5-10 days left until expiration date, i want to automatically add a mailing sistem to renew.

It's there a posibility to make this with seblod ? Or anyone have an ideea if it's there exist a membership component that do this and work with Seblod ? 

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64 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I didn't find any solution for this but i think this can be done using a membership subscription. So i think can be like this:

Duplicate form for adding item ( 5 times ... i don't think i need more than 5 article per user )

Create subscription per user group. If user have 1 article submitted and want another one he should upgrade subscription to another User group that let to add 2 articles.... and so on. But the problem, all my subscription will have availability 1 year, so after this period i want to know if there is a posibility to autorenew his article...

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

You will need another extension for subscriptons or custom code in the form of plugins or code events, this is not something Seblod can do out of the box.

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