548 Posts
11 years ago

Here in Getting started - Updating Seblod Manual at the bottom is wrote in red:

"The update affects only SEBLOD component, native plugins, templates, modules and variations are updated. Your customs plugins, modules, templates and variations will remain untouched by the update process.
Therefore, we recommend you do not make changes to the native files of SEBLOD."

What does it mean exactly?

If I want my personalized User Registration form 

Can I take the Seblod "User" form and modify it, or is better that I copy it and/or create a new one and work on that form ?!?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hello joomleb,

this recommendation is only for php file. All content type made with SEBLOD will not be modified on SEBLOD Update.

By cons, if you modify a php file in a template or a plugin, those file will be raz in an update.

In a Template, your personal Position Override and Variations will not touched by the update.

So, you could personalize the original SEBLOD user form, it will remain untouched.



548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel, 

Many Thanks for your explanation To my "stupid" question ! 

Sure Is it valid for all four original SEBLOD forms: Article/Category/User/User Group, isn't it ?

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

Yes, of course. It's valid for all original SEBLOD forms. However, i advise all users in this forum to do not change these forms.

For me, it's preferable because, these forms correspond to the native forms of Joomla!. If you need during a project to import some data from an old site built without seblod or to create a simple article to write privacy policy (for example) without any extra features, you can do that.

Moreover, a copy of such content type is very easy.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

Many Thanks for your patience and suggestion. I want to complete my reasoning, for example, with "personalize User Registration form" I just mean:

  • add few fields like: Name / Last Name / add an acymailing checkbox to allow the newsletter sending / mobile phone / may be an address...
  • change their order
  • and look if I can hide: User Name / Name (with auto compilation with "Concatenate" function). But hide, no erase!
In other words create my "standard" minimal registration form (good for all my sites).

The same as for Article, I want just move and hide something creating a new standard layout, may be something to export then as a default where to start for new Article layouts modifications and so on... (always no erase, at maximum just hide)

So, if I understood well, for all modifications, any modification, you suggest to don't touch in any case all original SEBLOD forms, but copy them and start working and modifing on the copied ones. In this case, copy... Where?

In fact, last but not lest, why I'm agree with you that "A good organization is the main base of a good work..." 

  • Is Creating an Application Folder valid also if i want Create a new User form, a new Article form ?
  • Are all new User/Article forms I create what you call "your apps" and have to be stored in SEBLOD/Apps/...... ?
  • Or, for example, a new User Registration form is not "your apps" and is better to store it under the Joomla/User/... folder ?

Again Many Thanks for your patience

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

Hi to all, 

Please, Can anyone answer this question / clear this issue?

11 years ago
Level 4

Hello Joomleb,

you don't store anything in "App Folder", but simply you say: the content type that I've done, belong to this application.*

So if you will exported the application, this content type will be integrated in the export.

Its not an obligation to put your work in an app, you could let your work in the uncategorised app.

So if you want to create a USER App to be reused on all your websites, just create an App folder with the name you want. Then all fields, content types, lists & search you make, set them to this "app folder".

Normally, in 2 clics you will be able to transfert your app on another website.

Hope it help you.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 5

Hi Lionel, 

many thanks for explanation!

So, for example, a way to organize things in a Multisite Seblod sites could be to create an App folder for each Site were to put every Article/Category/User/User Group/etc. needed, Am I right ?

  •  "Normally, in 2 clics you will be able to transfert your app on another website" = Do you mean only the App ?
  • Can this organizations be useful also on exporting a Site in a Multisite ? Like for example a situation where a bult a Site in a Multisite Seblod sites and after few time its grow and/or needs change and I want to export one of the Sites to import then in a new installation were the Site becomes the Seblod MainSite in the new installation. 
  • If so, for example Is it better to create a copy of the Article Form for each Site also if nothing change instead to use the same Form for each Site?
  • Is there a way to move Articles from a Form to a new one I have created ?
Thank you again!

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