2 Posts
11 years ago

In standard articles I'm having a problem with SEBLOD wrapping pretty much everything with quotations, " and ". This is causing my curly bracket plugin codes not to work, such as the old {rokbox}{/rokbox} which becomes "{rokbox}{/rokbox}" and is thus displayed on the page as {rokbox}{/rokbox} instead of getting parsed. This happens for all my similar plugins such as {mooaccordion} and so on.

Here's an example: http://torcommunity.com/guides/miscellaneous/vehicle-guide

As you can see in the source it is wrapping everything with " and "

Any help in getting it to stop doing that and getting the Joomla plugin codes working would be much appreciated.

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152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi theITfactor,

please try this: Put your plugins after the Seblod-Plugin "Content - Seblod", so changing the order should solve your problem.

Kind regards


2 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

The Seblod plugin "Content - Seblod" and all other Seblod plugins are before any third party plugins on my site in the ordering.

572 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

It's not Seblod, it's phpMagicQuotes - you need to make sure it is turned off on your hosting.

Contact your hosting provider if you don't know how to do this.

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