11 years ago


I Created a Form to permit to my web site visitors to submit ads è this form is called “Publier une annonce”.

Visitors can submit their ads on the front end and They must fill their Email Adress on the field called “Email_annonceur”

A added a field (called Confirmer annonce) which send an confirmation email to the person who submitted an ad.

I created a search & List form which permit to visitors to consult ads on the front end.

All things work well ! Thanks SEBLOD!

Now, I wand that visitors, when viewing ads, can send an Email to ths person who had submitted the ad.

To do this,

I added an Free Text Field to the First Form (“Publier une annonce”) and I linked this field to a Contact Form (Option 2).

On the contact form, I added an Email Field ( called “envoyer email à l’annonceur”)

But, Now, I don’t know how to get the Email of the person who had submitted the ad (Field “Email_annonceur”) ! to put it on the configuration of the Email field on the contact form ( called “envoyer email à l’annonceur”)!

I tied by putting the name of the Email field (“Email_annonceur”) on the configuration of the Email Field on the contact form but it does’nt work! Should I indicate the name of the initial form (“Publier une annonce”) ? How?

Thanks for your help and I’m sorry for my bad English.

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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Wimax92

What we generaly do is:

- we create a reply form (envoyer email à l’annonceur) with the visitor email adress + submit button + hidden publisher_email field. With a CODE field in the SITE view we fill  the value of publisher_email with the value of the list item add email

- on the first form (publier une annonce) we attach this reply form to a field 'reply_form'

- on the seblod list of the adds we display this reply_form for each item of the list


11 years ago
Level 2

Hi pulsarinformatique,

Thanks for your answer.

Can you, please, give me more details about how to make the link betwen the Email_publisher field and the hidden publisher_email in the contact form( envoyer email à l'annonceur).

Sorry, I'm not sure to understand what you mean "With a CODE field in the SITE view we fill  the value of publisher_email with the value of the list item add email "

Thanks a lot.

11 years ago
Level 3


here is the details :

==>Form 1: Publish a post

·  Field 1 : Publisher name

·  Field 2 : Publisher Email

·  Field 3 : Publisher Post

·  Field 4 : To Send Confirmation Email to Publisher [Field Type == Email]

·  Field 5 : Free Text Field è Link to the Form 2 (in the Content View) è I used the option 2 to configure the link to the form2

·  Field 5 : Submit Button

==>Form 2: Send Email to publisher

·  Field 11 : Visitor name

·  Field 22 : Visitor Email

·  Field 33 : Visitor Message

·  Field 44 : To send Email to publisher (A message From the  visitor to the publisher)  è Hiden field [Field Type == Email]

o  Can you please tell me how should I Configure the “To (field)” field in the configuration of the field

o  The idea is to use the value of the Field 2 (Publisher Email) in the “To (field” of the field 44

·  Field 55 : Submit Button

==>List & Search: Consult posts

When the visitor consults a post, he can send an Email to the publisher.

To do this he must:

·  Click on the Field 5 button this button will open the form2 (Send Email to publisher).

·  The visitor fill the fields (11, 22, 33 and click on the Button submit).

·  An Email should be sent to the publisher.

The problem is that the email is not sent to the publisher

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