11 years ago


I created à Form (Publier une annonce) to submit ads on the front end ==> clients can submit their ads and they must fill their Email adress (Field called Email_Annonceur) .

I had an Email field (Confirmer annonce) which send an Email to clients ( to confirm ad's registration) ==> it's work well !

I created a list & search form (Chercher une annonce)  : search and viewing ads work well;

I added a Free text field (Contacter l'annonceur) to the content view : I want to permit to visitors (who are vieawing ads) to send an Email to the person who submitted the ad.

This Free  text field (Contacter l'annonceur) is linked (Option 2) to a contact form  ==> the link work well ==> I click on the free text field (Contacter l'annonceur) and I access to the contact form.

The problem is : I don't know how to get the Email of the person who had submitted the ad to use it on the contact form to send an Email to the person who had wubmitted the ad ? I tried to indicate the Email Field ( Field Email_Annonceur in the  form Publier une annonce) on the configuration of the Free Text field but it does'nt seem to much with this field and it wend nothing to the submitter.

Thansk for your help and I appology for my bad English.


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello @wimax92,

sorry for the delai.

For that you have to add the email field in the content view too, with the html clear if you don't want to display it.

Then on the freetext, in the link options (option 2), in custom variables textarea you have to add the code below :


Then, in the contact form, on the email field ou have to put a live value "Variable" on the variable "mytag". It will cache the email.

Hope it will help you.

Best regards.


11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel,

Thanks for your answer.

I tried what you've suggested but I steel have some problems !

In the content view / free text field ==> I did : mytag=$cck->getValue('email_field');

In the contact form, I've tried many combination to configure the variable ( for th fields Type and variable).

If I do Type == String and variable=="mytag" ==> I have no result

If I do Type == String and variable== mytag ==> the email is formatted like this :   -- var prefix = 'ma'  'il'  'to'; var path = 'hr'  'ef'  '='; var addy48589 = 'wimax.faucon'  '@'; addy48589 = addy48589  'yahoo'  '.'  'fr'; document.write(''); document.write(addy48589); document.write(''); //-->\n  -- document.write(''); //--> Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.  -- document.write(''); //--> 

Thanks for your help.

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi wimax92,

Try to disable plugin "emailcloak".


11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehedi, Hi Lionel,

Thanks for your help.

I disabled the "emailcloak" plugin and it work.



11 years ago
Level 1

No it work but i would like to hide the value of the tag in th url ...how can I do it?

This is an exampel of an url : http://www.mywebsite.fr/index.php/chercher-une-annonce/form/contacter_annonceur.html?mytag=wimax.faucon@yahoo.fr&return=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5pdH
The idea is to hide the value of the email (wimax.faucon@yahoo.fr) to still not visible for the visitor.

Thanks a lot for your help.

11 years ago
Level 1
Hi wimax92,

I order to hide the email in the url, i suggest to implement another solution. I have two ideas:
  • try to add script to open the contact form in a lightbox,
  • let to define a SEBLOD form module and place this module directly in the content view of your article by a "Joomla! Module" field.

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