9 years ago

Hi seblod-ers !
Sorry for my poor english, hope you understand... :D
I have a booking travel form.
I want to make it sent an email to submitters which contain the #id  of the submitted content.
But, because #id only created after the submission saved to database, so the email just display blank #id.
For example, I want to send the link to article submitted with http://my_domain.com/index.php?component=com_content&view=articles&id=#art_id#&catid=39

My question is : How do I send that link with #art_id# (id of submitted content type)  inside ?

Thanks !

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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

I don't think this is mentioned anywhere in documentation, but there is a feature exactly for this purpose  - in addition to other fields values you can use the following tags (that will be replaced by their values before email is sent) in the the email subject and body:


9 years ago
Level 2

Hi, Thanks again Klas !
but i have some question Klas...
if the id sent by email is as stored on the database so that will be valid, or it will replaced by prediction of the next id number ?

and what is [pk] stand for ?


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3



I think the pk (Primary Key) value gets assigned upon storage - ie it is not there when you load the form... check it with two different browsers windows. Open window a first, then window b. Save form in window b, then save form in window a....



4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

pk and id are replaced by real values as email is sent after item has been stored. Pk is primary key and is different from id when both, article and (other than article) object get created, e.g. with user bridge on pk will be users id and id will be article id of the users profile article.

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

9 years ago
Level 2

That's very clear explanation !
Thanks for all...

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