8 years ago

Hi folks,

I am trying to re-develops my website using newest seblod 3.10 and joomla 3.6.4.  And I using a lot custom overide templating with minima.

I trying to insert some shortcode like {rsform 1}  or load module shortcode  but didn't work. I try write it in joomla article (NOT seblod article), and WORKING as expected.

its working before with previous seblod release. 

but when I write it down in minima-overiding file mainbody.php, its just write like plain text.

what I'am missing ?

I also re-arrange plugin content-seblod in the first above others plugin, but didnt have effect.

I change template to seb-one, no luck.

I create field 'free-text' then insert it with shortcode syntax, no luck.

I change default template to protostar, and seb-one, with free-text field contain 'shortcode curly bracket', no luck.

I suspected something wrong with this new seblod and this new joomla.

what I'am missing ? Any help ?



after few hours, I give up and instal free version "Module Anywhere" from https://www.regularlabs.com/extensions/modulesanywhere

everything works now.

well, something did not works properly beetween seblod 3.10 and joomla 3.6.4 and 'shortcode curly bracket'.

or just me cant find how to combine them.

If somebody found solution without "module Anywhere", please kindly explain. because Joomla has "native module everywhere".

I (and the rest of us) want simplify the using of others plugin which is already in joomla native.

regards and Thanks :)

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Seblod content plugin must come first, then it should work unless there is something wrong with the rsform plugin.

Have you tried if code of other plugins works (e.g. joomla module plugin)? Also try if it works if you remove overrides.

8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

I make a test site, just only joomla 3.6.4 and seblod 3.10 (no other extension)

I create 2 article, one with joomla, one with seblod. The body article contain shortcode for 'Login Module'.

Here for article create with joomla. Working as expexted.

Here article with seblod. The module field text can't typed, the icon missing too.

here admin login to see plugin arrangement. REMOVED USERNAME AND PASSWORD


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

On your site joomla plugin is obviously working, otherwise you would not see login module. For me everything is working ok, module looks exactly the same as the one on the right side. So if jsform plugin is not working it is obviously something wrong with the plugin.

P.S. don't post usernames and passwords on the forum, it can be seen by anyone.

8 years ago
Level 4

thankyou klas, before this I did not set SEBLOD-Options: /Site CSS Stylesheets: Base.

so the stylesheet setting solve the missing icon.

I make some more test, and sorry I realize the problem is not 'content with minima' but in 'search form with minima'.

I write down the shortcode in customcontent/content/mainbody.php ==> everything okey.

but not in customsearch/search/mainbody.php , like in this sample http://seblod310.freesite.host/index.php/customsearch

PS : this is just sample site for reproduce my real case, for everybody easier to understand.


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

That is totally different - in search type there is Prepare Content setting in the Configuration.

8 years ago
Level 6

I set to YES in Prepare Content setting in the Configuration, no effect..

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 7

Sorry, most likely the problem is in rsform plugin, with prepare content activated plugins are parsed normally.

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