139 Posts
5 years ago


I have this same problem but the solutions provided by Saba do not work for me.

I participated here 3 years ago and I know there should be no problem deleting the content of a free object with free storage fields.

After deleting an item, the row of cck_core remains there. Then, in the list type I continue to see the item (the row), but empty. The if I click a couple of times more in the delete button, finally, the cck_core row is deleted.

Any help would be very appreciated in order to finish this work.


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215 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1


I can confirm the same behavior described by Adonay. 

...it must be a new bug, as it used to work fine...


139 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Hi, thank you Michal.

I’ve noticed it only happens when creating content since one of the latest Seblod versions. I mean, if the site/seblod installation has other apps with this kind of storage working as it should, if I create a new content type now, the problem appears, but the other content types are still working ok when deleting items.

I’m using Seblod 3.17.4, Joomla 3.9.6 and php 7.2

Another curious thing. In one of my tests, the problem have been fixed by enabling the debug mode of Seblod, doing some records/deletions and disabling it again. After this, it worked as intended. Unfortunately, as I said, it worked only in one test, not all of them... so nothing. Even I’m not sure if the debug mode has something to do with the solution, or it was casual.

Best regards

4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

Please report this on the tracker with the link back to this topic and mention, that issue has been confirmed by multiple users.

12 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Hey guys, any solution to this? This has started to happen in one of my List & Search Delete buttons, the record is gone but the empty row still shows.

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