8 years ago

Hello there.
Is there anybody who could help me with this issue?
Two weeks ago was our website hacked. It seems to be OK after I replace some infected files from my backup.

But now I noticed that every "category blog content" incorrectly displays articles. It doesn't splits to "introtext" part and "fulltext" part. Everything is in one piece of text with jesblod tags visible...

::wysiwyg_introtext::V roce 2013 se věnujeme rozšíření naší činnosti v oblasti zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením, novinkou je tréninkový program.::/wysiwyg_introtext::


We are using old version of seblod (jSeblod CCK1.8.2), because we are still using Joomla 1.5 and in current situation we just dont have time and money to upgrade our websites.

Thanks for any effort.

Petr Lukas
Toulcuv dvur

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