8 years ago

Hi, I have created a search list to view item content. content contains uploaded files but those file link doesn't show at all in the list. Note My content is from a free table I don't know if this makes any difference.  

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Generally speaking it should work if other fields are showing in your list, don't think there is nothing special about file upload. So first try if other fields will show, also post some more data about your list and field configurations.

8 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for your answer. I was picking the wrong field. File name is now showing in my search list but when I click on it, instate of downloading the file, it takes me to the home page. Some time I get the message file doesn't exist. I have already verified that file is well saved at the directory I pointed to. 

witch is: uploads/devices/Entry ID  example uploads/devices/153 

Here is what I get as link when I hover over the file name.


I will appreciate any help to overcome this issue.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Some other user found a workaround


You should also try changing sef options in your search type or in seblod configuration.

8 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for assistance. unfortunately the solution doesn't work fore me. 

files are well uploaded but when I click on each uploaded file it takes me to the home page and the file is not downloaded. 

I also notice these message when I upload the files. Not sure why I am getting these.

[30-Aug-2016 15:20:39 America/Denver] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: item_custom_path in /home5/onlinepc/public_html/plugins/cck_field/upload_file/upload_file.php on line 586

[30-Aug-2016 15:20:39 America/Denver] PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$value in /home5/onlinepc/public_html/plugins/cck_field/upload_file/upload_file.php on line 655 

[30-Aug-2016 15:20:39 America/Denver] PHP Notice: Undefined index: join in /home5/onlinepc/public_html/plugins/cck_storage_location/free/free.php on line 283

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

do you use SEF in joomla or not? What is your sef setting in seblod?

8 years ago
Level 4

SELF on Seblod is set to default  > /id-alias

As a reminder, field is saved in a free storage. 

With the same joomal and seblod setting Download works perfectly when I use Joomla content table as storage. when I inspect both links they look alike: 

<a href="/index.php/upload-file-s?task=download&file=single_upload_art&id=167" title="">003.jpg</a>

<a href="/index.php/my-devices?task=download&file=single_file&id=169" title="">003.jpg</a>

so Issue is due to the fact that uploaded file is saved in a free table. Why? How can I fix that?

8 years ago
Level 4

Looks like Seblod is designed to use only native joomla content type. as an app builder application I think it is a huge limitation. My goal is to use seblod  to build application without having to spend time writing all codes myself. by using free tables, it is taking me more time to figure out how to get thing work than writing codes from scrash. 

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5


If it's not working out for you it can feel like that ...

My link is nothing like the 'upload s' download link. they are approaching it different ways.

It's just the direct path to the file ie



It does not use the url values like task=download&file= etc....

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

It should work regardless of the object you use. But it is true that free object is the one that is missing most features at the moment, we are working on improving it, but as it is a large task it will take time. If you know programming you are invited to participate on this task on the github.

8 years ago
Level 6

Klas thank you for your answer. But unfortunaly I am not a developer and that is why I rely 100% on seblod. I hope these features will be available soon for free objects to make seblod what it is really entended to be.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 7


free object support is gradually improving but it is hard to say when it will be on the same level as other objects.

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