11 years ago


I have a site done with seblod (I am very happy with seblod, is awesome) but I have a problem that is driving me mad.
The site is in Spanish, all the emails from system are sent in spanish (recover username/password ...) but the activation one is asent in english.
I tried everything, language override (in both languages), I edited the ini files fromo com_user. But nothing changes the activation email is still in english.

Is there any place that store a cache (I purge it few times now) ?

Maybe it has nothing to do but I realized that the menu rewrite is not well formed. Is called "entrar" and the url writes "index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&Itemid=535"

Please help me Seblod community you are my only hope.


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11 years ago
Level 1

I answer myself:

Seblod uses his own language in "en-GB.com_cck.ini", this doesn't appear in the override cache database, so everytime I search by value (o even by constant) in the language/override doesn't show up.

this is the one. 

It could be nice to set this up in some field in the user form (config maybe?)

I hope this could be usefull to somebody

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 2

Yeah.. i just experience this issue two days ago... my tips to solve the translation files is

1. Setup your local files
2. Turn on Debug Language in Joomla
3. Rename the en-GB both in admin and front-end

You'll see what's need to translate and whats not.. i found out that there are language files that defined in the backend while most is in front end.

My 2 Cents

11 years ago
Level 3

But if you touch the "ini" files you could lose your translations when you update Seblod in the future.
Is better to work with joomla "overrides".

I think

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