19 Posts
10 years ago

Hi all!

I recieved an error 1054 after update to 3.5.0 in Constuction > Forms&Content Types and Lists&Search Types:

Unknown column 'featured' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT name FROM nc6wl_cck_core_templates WHERE featured = 1 ORDER BY id

In Construction > Templates:

Unknown column 'a.featured' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id as id,a.title as title,a.name as name,a.folder as folder,a.mode as mode,a.featured as featured,a.published as published,a.checked_out as checked_out,a.checked_out_time as checked_out_time,c.title AS folder_title, c.color AS folder_color, c.introchar AS folder_introchar, c.colorchar AS folder_colorchar,d.title AS folder_parent_title, d.id AS folder_parent,u.name AS editor FROM `nc6wl_cck_core_templates` AS a LEFT JOIN nc6wl_cck_core_folders AS c ON c.id = a.folder LEFT JOIN nc6wl_cck_core_folders AS d ON d.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN nc6wl_users AS u ON u.id = a.checked_out WHERE a.published = 1 GROUP BY a.id

Please, help...

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