1 Post
7 years ago


I'm using the latest version of Joomla, the latest version of PHP and the latest version of Seblod

Today I installed seblod to do a test. Immediately after I uninstalled the package (as a normal extension)

As soon as I uninstalled the component, the menu (admin side) was filled with a repeating menu. In practice I see the admin menu repeated several times.

Then I re-installed the Seblod is everything is back to normal, but I see that seblod, now has two identical menus in the administrator menu bar. I tried to disable all the extensions one by one, and I saw that the problem is with the plugin System - SEBLOD, if active, the menu is normal, if it is deactivated or uninstalled, the menu repeats itself.

Please how do I uninstall the package Seblod correctly without repeating the administrator menu and cancel the seblod menus (which still remains active in the admin menu.)

here is a picture of the repeated menu

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Confirmed. To completely remove Seblod go to Modules, switch to Administrator modules menus and delete Admin Menu - Seblod

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