9 years ago


I have this problem when pubblic my article with seblod.

Seblod create one category without name but only Alias when I public one article.

I get this error:

"Another category with the same parent category has the same alias"

because Seblod create always the same category without name when I public my article.

I haven't errors if I use Standard Joomla article.

I use Seblod v3.7.2 , Joomla v3.4.1 (I Try the last v3.4.4 too)

Thank you

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31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

in your form, in "admin" tab and "site" tab:


make a new field with "+"


call it "my category" for exemple


at the bottom of the field, set the storage to 

standart | article | catid


Save and close it


click on 2 (on the right of your added field)

on the line of your "my category" field, you can write the ID of the category where you want your next/new articles to be saved.

You will find the categories ID value in the joomla category menu (where you can add new category).

If you write 10, you content will be saved to the category with the id = 10.

Got it ?

Another way:


make a new field with "+"


call it "my category" for exemple


Choose Type: "dynamic"


Table: #__categories


Option name: title


Option value: id


Where: published = 1


at the bottom of the field, set the storage to

standart | article | catid


Save and close it


Put it in "admin" and "site" view.

It will ask you to choose the category from the list when you will start a new article.

PS: maybe you would start reading the documentation... and understand joomla a bit more. whatever. Peace

9 years ago
Level 2

Thank you fou your answer and sorry for my bad english. 

I always use the first mode for my custom seblod content.

Now there is this new category without name but only alias.

When save my custom seblod article in administrator panel I get this error:

Another category with the same parent category has the same alias.

The article is publish in the exact category but as standar article without any content. Only title.
If I publish as Standard Joomla Article It's OK

if I remove the alias category and publish Seblod article It is OK

After publish there is the category alias without name.

It's very strange. 

Thank you.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Giannifed


Supply screenshots and config details, might be able to see something that is incorrect


9 years ago
Level 4


Often when save the article in frontpage I get this error:

Template Style does not exist. Open the Content Type & save it again. (Intro + Content views)

I save it again. in seblod content.

I open table __content and the article is ok.

The table __cck_core I have:

Missing data.
I view Apache log, Mysql Log, Php.log, but nothing. No error in seblod

I have seblod v3.7.0 and joomla v3.4.4, php v5.4.28.

Thank you

31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

" I open table __content and the article is ok. "

> And what id the "catid" value in this content table for your new article ?

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi giannifed

My first guess is the field Article Title (back end)

Do you have that on the form (I think it is this field that stores the title) rather than Article Title?

How about some screenshots of fields and configs


31 Posts
9 years ago
Level 6

I think he just not have any field that store the catid value when he make a new content

(standart | article | catid)

9 years ago
Level 7


the articles have the catid.

__content the last article

The catid is 28

__categories tab

the last __cck_core

This is the field in site form (the administrator is the same)

For select category I use a simple Field Select



The Seblod contet form is the same for two years and works very well. 

I add sometime a category.

Thank you.

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