8 years ago

Hi All,

Some may noticed that i have been missing for last few weeks as I saw the end of the tunnel to my website and the good news is we launched the website today. 

I just wanted to share few thoughts before I come back with another project and so many stupid threads :) 

Thank you KLAS for being active and reply to my threads for many times. Its so good to see your replies to my threads and it help me to resolve so many issues. Many people complain about not having proper support for SEBLOD, but I know that its not easy to stay on a forum and support all the time. But KLAS you have done and doing a great job. Thank you for that. Appreciate it a lot. 

I also wanted to thank BUCKLASH for helping me out throughout this project and you being great support for me. Thank you for everything. I know this thread is just a few words but during the project the issues i faced your replies were worth a lot. As I'm based in Sydney and we should meet up when we have Joomla Meetups. Thank you again for being active on the forum and reply to most of the threads. 

I'm not expert in SEBLOD, but I learned so much and still learning the potential of SEBLOD with Joomla. Its being great as what it can do and how powerful cck. 

We should make everyone confident on the component so people start using it more and be active on the forum too.  ( I know its not that easy job but Im happy to spend my time as much I can).

I have another project where I need help with Google map and location based search directory. I have to start soon. :)

I will give my best to be more active and answer any questions (highly unlikely as Im not a expert but will try my best). 

Thank you SEBLOD. Thank you for the team who developed it.

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572 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Thanks so much for the kind words! Great to have you as part of the community, and it would be great to see your new site up on the showcase :) http://www.seblod.com/community/showcase



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