151 Posts
11 years ago
Hi guys,
Got some issues with an undesired category being inserted in the breadcrumbs/pathway ... see an example here:
The global menu item "Trip Reports" is included + the category "Trip Reports" as well ... any idea on how to exclude the category from it?
Why I'm posting in Seblod forum and not Joomla's or RocketTheme's (the template provider)? The reason is that if I go to an article through a category/blog view, then the breadcrumbs work just fine - check out e.g.:
Thanks a ton for any pointers. Happy to email backend access if anyone's willing to take a look.
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11 years ago
Level 1

Hi MtnPavlas,

Yes this is a regression.. It works properly on Joomla! 2.5.x but not on Joomla! 3

It's already fixed, and will be included in upcoming SEBLOD 3.1.4. (available tomorrow)


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba..it's been a long time since you are around...

11 years ago
Level 3

Hi Viktor,

Yep.. I've been working hard on a big project using Google Search Appliance (Octopoos web agency), on the next major release of SEBLOD (ie SEBLOD 3.2.0), on SEBLOD WebServices add-on, and other cool products for the the marketplace, ... ... that's why i have not much time to be around..


251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 4

Wohooo.. Web Services !...Is that mean retrieving the data without 'flowing it' through serials of plugin (content plugin, system plugin, join tables here and there).... coz these kind of things degrade the our site performance .. did i hear mobile apps from seblod powered site coming ? lol

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba, that's a wonderful info, many thanks!

About the next major release of SEBLOD "3.2.0", Is there an idea on its release date?

and, above all, Is there a way to know what will be new?

Many Thanks!

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Thank you, Saba, for your reply. I've upgraded to 3.1.4 but the issue remains. I've even tried the SEBLOD Breadcrumbs module but get the same results as the native Joomla breadcrumbs. If anyone has other ideas for what I could check on, I'd be very grateful. (Please note I've cleared cache both on server and in browser after the install.) Feel free to use the links I've posted above in the original post to see the issue.

Thank you so much.

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Will this issue be resolved in Seblod 3.1.5? I upgraded to S3.1.4 and the double-category breadcrumb issue remains (when accessed via a list) - please see it here:

When you access an article/page from a blog lay-out, the breadcrumbs work fine, e.g.:

(please ignore the non-polished lay-out and formatting on that site - it's still in a prototype phase; also ignore the two breadcrumb modules ... one is the standard Joomla and one is Seblod Breadcrumbs - I'm simply trying to point out that both modules yield the same results)

Thank you for any help/ideas.

151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Great folks of Seblod, would there be a chance for a hint on this? The usability is terrible with the extra item (category) in the breadcrumbs.
E.g. see here:
Creates breadcrumbs: Home > TR's > Trip Reports > Heliotrope Ridge
Desired breadcrumbs: Home > TR's > Heliotrope Ridge
The "TR's" item in the breadcrumbs is desired, the "Trip Reports" is not and will bring up a blog view of the articles within this category. Is there a way to suppress this?

I'm using Joomla 3.1.5 and Seblod 3.1.5 ... above, Saba indicated this would be fixed in Seblod 3.1.4.

Thank you so much for any pointers.
175 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2
Have you tried to turn to YES the "Use URL rewriting" in your site's Global Configuration.
Also, try to set SEF to /parent/alias in SEBLOD Configuration, tab Site.
11 years ago
Level 1

# Breadcrumbs issue fixed. (please use "Menu" as Pathway on Joomla! 3)

Best regards
151 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Thank you so much, Alex - works like a charm. For those who may be reading this later... you must use the Seblod Breadcrumbs module (where you can select "Menu" in Options > Basic Options > Pathway), not the native Joomla module.
This presents issues for non-Seblod items/extensions (e.g. Kunena, Community Builder, etc.) - so for these I use the Joomla native module.
This approach requires a more granular approach rather than just enabling one Breadcrumbs module and forget about it... but the improved user experience is well worth the effort.
32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


thank you Alex for implementing this new feature! I've been looking for it for a while now. (Did it with a Joomla Core-Hack so far by overriding the view.html.php of com_content after every update...)

Unfortunately I cannot use the Seblod breadcrumbs module so far as I am adding items to the pathway in one of my custom seblod templates. (Using fields to categorize my content and with links to search-views with the field-values)

Seems like joomla processes the seblod view first and the module afterwards, which deletes my custom pathway entires.

(additionally the pathway entries rendered by Seblod-Breadcrumbs do not render the ampercent of an article title correctly (instead of & / the html representation '&'amp;)

Any ideas? Making fields of the content types selectable as "to be added to breadcrumbs" with links to search views would be amazing :-)

Thank you for your help!


32 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi everyone,

I finally solved my issue.

What I did:?

I copied the default layout (mod_cck_breadcrumbs/tmpl/default.php --> mod_cck_breadcrumbs/tmpl/custom.php) and added the missing functionality which I needed. In the joomla backend I afterwards selected the alternative layout for the module.

Now I am no longer strictly following MVC, but at least I can use the standard-module instead of writing my own one.

Best Regards


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